
Posts Tagged ‘free books’


I found a terrific resource today: booksneeze!

This is great opportunity from Thomas Nelson publishers. You can get free books (or ebooks) for your spiritual growth (and some fiction too) with only one thing asked in return- provide a review of the book on your blog and one on a major retailers web site. You are asked to leave honest reviews. If you like it, say it. If you don’t, say it!

Thomas Nelson does publish some great books, and i think this is an incredible opportunity for anyone looking for materials for spiritual insights or books to help with life in general.

Therefore, books I get from this place I will review here. I hope the books we share will encourage each other. If the book is good, It will end up on my favorite book list which will have its own tab near the “about” tab.

Look for my favorites to be reviewed as well- those I bought myself.

Catch you soon.


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